Privacy Policy

KODEFREE, SA de CV (Kode Free) with address at Av. Insurgentes Sur 1431, Insurgentes Mixcoac, Benito Juárez, 03920 Mexico City. We inform you that for any questions, comments, notification and / or complaint regarding the handling of your personal data, you can contact the email
This Privacy Notice describes the way in which Kode Free, being responsible for the use, handling and confidentiality of personal data, undertakes to treat personal data solely and exclusively for the purposes approved by the Owner, as well as to establish and maintain security controls for their protection.
Consent of the Holder.
For the purposes of the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals ("LFPDPPP") and other applicable laws, the Holder states:

  • That this Privacy Notice has been made known by Kode Free.
  • Having read, understood and agreed to the terms of this Privacy Notice.
  • Authorize your consent regarding the processing of personal data.
  • Authorize your consent that Kode Free may transfer data to third parties with whom it has a legal relationship.
  • Authorize your consent that Kode Free and third parties that intervene in any phase of personal data processing, will keep confidentiality with respect to these, an obligation that will remain even after the end of their relationship.
Kode Free will ensure compliance with the principles of personal data protection established in LFPDPPP, adopting the necessary measures for their application. It will apply even when this data is processed by a third party at the request of Kode Free. Kode Free will take the necessary and sufficient measures to guarantee that this Privacy Notice is respected at all times by Kode Free or by third parties with whom it has a legal relationship.
Choices and Means that Kode Free offers to limit the use or disclosure of Personal Data.
In Kode Free, the Holder can limit the use or disclosure of personal data, as well as the possibility of requesting the cancellation of sending messages through the different means that Kode Free uses, for which the procedure consists of sending your request via email.
Personal Data to be Processed.
To fulfill the purposes indicated in this Notice, Kode Free will process and collect personal data through a know your customer (KYC), the personal data may be: name, date of birth, address, photo identification, email address , telephone number, or any other personal identification, as well as other information that is necessary for the development of Kode Free services.
Means to exercise the rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition (ARCO Rights).
The Account Holder or legal representative may send an email to exercising at all times, the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (hereinafter "ARCO Rights"). To exercise the ARCO Rights, the Holder or the legal representative must submit the request, identifying themselves with the following documentation:
  • Name of owner.
  • Owner's Address
  • Documents that prove your identity (credential of the Federal Electoral Institute or the National Electoral Institute, Passport).
  • Precise description of the data regarding those who seek to exercise those who seek to exercise any of the ARCO Rights.
If the corresponding documents are not attached or there are errors or omissions in the request within 3 (three) business days after receipt of the request, Kode Free will require you to provide the necessary documents to process it and the Holder will count with 5 (five) business days to solve the requirement. If no response is received within said period, the request will be deemed not submitted.
Transfer of Personal Data.
If necessary, Kode Free may share the Owner's personal data with its contracted service providers and when it deems it appropriate with third parties to carry out activities related to Kode Free products and services. Additionally, Kode Free may disclose the personal data that any law so requires or the competent authorities in terms of the applicable legislation. Kode Free does not transfer your personal data without your consent, except for the exceptions provided in article 37 of the LFPDPPP.
Procedure and Means by which Kode Free will notify the Holders of the changes to the Privacy Notice.
At Kode Free, we reserve the right to make changes or updates to this Notice at any time. In such event, Kode Free will post such changes on its website and will indicate the latest version of the Notice. We recommend periodically reviewing the Notice in order to inform yourself if there is any change to this.
* When accessing our site on the Internet, files called cookies are generated, which contain information that is sent to your computer equipment and that we use to obtain your Personal Data, which is stored on your computer's hard drive. Most cookies expire after a specified period. In this sense, you can delete cookies at any time you wish or request your internet browser to notify you when you receive a cookie so that you can accept or reject it.